About me
Who are you?
I founded ThinkingLabs, an advisory firm around optimising IT delivery. I happen to be a CI/CD advocate and jack-of-all-trades. Instead of balancing quality & delivery, I believe and practice that better quality is actually a way to more and better deliveries.
What do you do for a living?
I help organisations improve their IT delivery. My focus is a lot on reducing stress and fatigue for engineers to ultimately increase quality and delivery times. Occasionally, I am asked to conduct technology due diligence for investors to review organisations' technology capabilities.
What are you going to talk about at FlowCon?
I am going to share something we did back in 2012 with a rather novice team. The team managed to find an uncommon but performant way to run code reviews on mainline without ever blocking the flow of delivery.
What are you the proudest of?
Working with that specific team.
What speaker and/or topic would you like to see at FlowCon?
Lisi Hocke! Lisi did some really interesting things around mob testing.
If you were an art piece, which one would it be?
I like the Girl with a Pearl Earring from Vermeer. It has something magic.
What's your favorite band, artist or song?
According to Spotify, it looks like I listen a lot to Tayler Swift 🙈 but also modern classic.
Sum up your session or workshop in only 1 sentence
How to run code reviews with trunk-based development when pair programming is a cultural stretch?
What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
- Be able to explain how Pull Requests disable the benefits of Continuous Delivery.
- Be able to enumerate the key ideas behind non-blocking code reviews.
- Understand how non-blocking code reviews are an enabler for Continuous Delivery.