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Venue: Small Batch - Workshop 19p clear filter
Tuesday, April 1

11:15 CEST

🇬🇧 From Wild Bets to Solid Forecasts: Mastering Predictability
Tuesday April 1, 2025 11:15 - 12:15 CEST
From Wild Bets to Solid Forecasts: Mastering Predictability

Tired of unreliable forecasts and missed deadlines? This workshop will show how managing the age of your WIP can stabilize cycle times and improve delivery predictability. Together, we'll tackle common forecasting pitfalls and uncover actionable ways to make your work more predictable.

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
In this workshop, we’ll explore how controlling the age of work in progress can help teams improve predictability, avoid delays, and make more reliable forecasts.

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
Key Takeaways from My Workshop: 1. Controlling the age of work in progress (WIP) is the simplest, most effective way to improve predictability. By keeping WIP age in check, teams can reduce cycle times and avoid delays. 2. Predictability starts with improving single-item forecasting. Instead of guessing delivery dates for large groups of work, focus on accurately forecasting one item at a time. 3. Stable cycle times make forecasting easier and more reliable — for both single items and larger projects. By managing WIP age and stabilizing cycle times, teams can confidently make both short-term and long-term delivery predictions.
avatar for Margaux Fiche

Margaux Fiche

Head of Customer Experience, 55 Degrees
Who are you?I’m Margaux Fiche a French-born flow enthusiast who has been living in Sweden for ten years, sharing my life with two tuxedo cats and a wonderful Swedish husband. My career has taken me through various industries, from Conventional Fuel Dispensers at Wayne Fueling System... Read More →
Tuesday April 1, 2025 11:15 - 12:15 CEST
Small Batch - Workshop 19p

14:00 CEST

🇬🇧 Impact Mapping Workshop
Tuesday April 1, 2025 14:00 - 16:00 CEST
Impact Mapping Workshop

"Impact mapping is a lightweight, collaborative planning technique for teams that want to make a big impact with software products. It is based on user interaction design, outcome-driven planning and mind mapping. Impact maps help delivery teams and stakeholders visualise roadmaps, explain how deliverables connect to user needs and communicate how user outcomes relate to higher-level organisational goals." (source: https://www.impactmapping.org/)

Impact Mapping is a unique technique (described in a book by Gojko Adzic) which enables every organisation or team facing a new problem, a new challenge to not only find unexpected ideas but also to make sure that these ideas address those challenges instead of fulfilling other interests.
By following the steps, Impact Mapping helps find ways to experiment, innovate, and compare possible ideas by focusing on the outcome rather than the output. It gives the group the means to verify the progress the whole time - to fail fast or stop investing because they have reached their goal.

In this workshop, we will discuss and map a fictive problem. At the end of the workshop, you will know how the technique works and when to use it, how much fun such Impact Mapping can be and how creative people are when the only constraint is time :)

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
We will learn how to analyse and manage to prove that our assumptions about the users' problems are correct before investing a lot of work in fixing the wrong problem.

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
1. The method is easy. The key is asking the right questions outside of our silo. 2. The right questions and the right metrics. 3. Assumptions are hindering, experiments are enabling.

avatar for Krisztina Hirth

Krisztina Hirth

Staff Architect, PayFit
Who are you?Software engineer for over 20 years, always looking for the right way to deliver reliable, resilient and expandable value through software, knowledge and empathy. As a staff architect at PayFit, I help all teams leverage the benefits of Domain-driven Design by understanding... Read More →
Tuesday April 1, 2025 14:00 - 16:00 CEST
Small Batch - Workshop 19p

16:30 CEST

🇫🇷 Kanban basics
Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 18:30 CEST
Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 18:30 CEST
Small Batch - Workshop 19p
Wednesday, April 2

09:30 CEST

🇬🇧 DDD University
Wednesday April 2, 2025 09:30 - 12:30 CEST
Wednesday April 2, 2025 09:30 - 12:30 CEST
Small Batch - Workshop 19p

15:30 CEST

🇫🇷 Atelier Domain Storytelling
Wednesday April 2, 2025 15:30 - 17:30 CEST
Atelier Domain Storytelling

Domain Storytelling permet de transcrire les histoires racontées par les experts métiers à l'aide d'un langage pictographique facile à comprendre. En regroupant tous les acteurs ayant une connaissance du produit ou du problème à résoudre, Domain Storytelling va permettre de diffuser la connaissance au sein de l'équipe. Les schémas produits sont d'excellent moyen pour les différents participants de se remémorer les discussions autour de points particuliers de l'espace du problème tout en produisant une documentation simple et claire.

Le but de cet atelier va être de vous donner les éléments théoriques et pratiques nécessaires pour animer des ateliers de Domain Storytelling. Il est donc destiné à n'importe quel acteur d'un projet informatique.

En maîtrisant Domain Storytelling vous allez pouvoir simplifier:
la compréhension d'une problématique
définir un langage commun entre les différents acteurs d'un projet
évoquer les éléments de spécifications
identifier les différents contextes de la solution

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
Apprendre à faciliter des sessions de "Domain Storytelling" pour améliorer la compréhension du métier.

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
- Apprendre à mener des conversations pour découvrir le métier avec des experts du domaine.
- Transcrire dans un langage pictographique les discussions.
- Maitriser un nouvel outil pour concevoir la bonne solution.
avatar for Pierrick Blons

Pierrick Blons

Software Engineer, PayFit
Who are you?Actuellement développeur chez PayFit, je m'intéresse à tous les aspects de la création de logiciel pour essayer de construire le bon produit correctement.What do you do for a living?Trying to craft software at PayFit.What are you going to talk about at FlowCon?DDD... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 15:30 - 17:30 CEST
Small Batch - Workshop 19p
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