The conference is in Paris (Beffroi de Montrouge), on April 1-2 2025.Standard seat : 525€ until March 20.
Wednesday April 2, 2025 15:30 - 16:25 CEST
Is working in Big Tech really like the movies? Do Big Tech engineers have infinite budgets and free rein? Does "10x" talent actually exist?

Over more than a decade inside Google, I was part of the myths, the hype, and the reality. In this session, we’ll separate fact from fiction - starting with the biggest myths about working in Big Tech (bring your own questions!). Then, we’ll break down what truly makes these companies thrive: people over process, smart constraints, trust over bureaucracy, and why forgiveness is more powerful than permission.

If you want to learn what actually drove the success of Big Tech - and how to apply it anywhere - this talk is for you.

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
The real difference of how Big Tech works is the people and their culture of trust, communication, collaboration and execution.

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
There is not one "Big Tech" playbook, you must find your own. People are key to everything; principles and incentives align people. Ideas are cheap. Prioritization and execution make the difference.
avatar for Kai Hansen

Kai Hansen

Partner, Product Coach and Executive Advisor, Thiga
Who are you?I’m Kai Hansen, a builder, leader, and bridge creator between technology and business.I’ve driven organizational transformation, led cross-functional teams, and built products for more than 2 decades. My passion lies in connecting business and technology teams to create... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 15:30 - 16:25 CEST
Fast Flow - Auditorium

Attendees (2)

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