Tuesday April 1, 2025 15:05 - 16:00 CEST
Title: Non-Blocking Continuous Code Reviews, a Case Study

The problem with the current most commonly accepted way of running code reviews using Pull Requests is that they have the nasty habit of blocking the flow of delivery. They introduce a cost of delay. Delays reduce feedback and drive down quality.

The usual way to achieve fast efficient and effective Continuous Code Reviews without disrupting the flow of delivery is through Pair Programming or Team Programming. However, for various valid reasons, these are often a cultural stretch for many teams and organisations.

In 2012, a novice team practising trunk-based development set up a fairly uncommon but efficient alternative to implementing continuous code reviews on mainline without ever blocking the flow of delivery. This team went from a bunch of rag-tags to becoming a reference team in the organisation, with auditors falling on the floor because of the amount of quality the team delivered.

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
How to run code reviews with trunk-based development when pair programming is a cultural stretch?

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
Be able to explain how Pull Requests disable the benefits of Continuous Delivery. Be able to enumerate the key ideas behind non-blocking code reviews. Understand how non-blocking code reviews are an enabler for Continuous Delivery.

avatar for Thierry de Pauw

Thierry de Pauw

Founder & Consulting CTO, Thinking Labs
Who are you?I founded ThinkingLabs, an advisory firm around optimising IT delivery. I happen to be a CI/CD advocate and jack-of-all-trades. Instead of balancing quality & delivery, I believe and practice that better quality is actually a way to more and better deliveries.What do you... Read More →
Tuesday April 1, 2025 15:05 - 16:00 CEST
Fast Flow - Auditorium

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