Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 17:25 CEST
Level Collapse (and How to Rise Out of It)

Without knowing how or where to provide higher-level vision, strategy and flow management, leaders often find themselves working at the operational level, or, using the metaphor of “flight levels,” in a state of "level collapse."

It's a double-whammy productivity killer because it strips people working at the operational level (Level 1) of their autonomy and empowerment, but it also impoverishes the coordination and strategic levels (Levels 2 and 3), where end-to-end and intent-based leadership is desperately needed in order for operational activities to thrive.

This talk reveals ways to identify "level collapse" behaviors (perhaps even in yourself!) and generative ways to rise out of Level 1 and provide important and necessary leadership at Levels 2 and 3.

Sum up the session in only 1 sentence
Work at the right level of your organization to create maximum flow -- for the organization and yourself!

What are the 3 top takeaways from your session or workshop?
How to identify “level collapse” behaviors How to find the right level at which to work What activities need to happen at each level
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Matthew Philip

Organizational Refactorer
Who are you?St. Louis, USA -- a French city with German-pronounced street names!What do you do for a living?organizational refactoring: I help create environments in which people can work effectively by reducing accidental complexity and friction to make work fun, challenging, and... Read More →
Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 17:25 CEST
Feedback Loop - 90p

Attendees (1)

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